Choosing To Eat Responsibly

The world belongs to everyone, right from a tiny little fly to the giant whales. This earth that we call our home is a home to all creatures and various other life forms, be it plant or animal. For the nature all co-exist and are very interdependent on each other. No one species (no matter how much evolved) can be pardoned for not being responsible for doing their part in the food chain. The food chain is simple and works on a basic principle which is “Someone’s loss is Someone else’s gain”. This balancing act by the nature is done pretty effortlessly. And we as humans are doing everything in our hands to unbalance nature itself. The amount of atrocities done on animals in order to become our palatable, prized premium food is full of torture, pain and suffering. Most of the times we are just ignorant to the fact what we are doing.Humans are on top of the food chain and so we enjoy maximum power in the food chain. But another popular saying goes, “With great power comes greater responsibility”. We cannot live in ignorance anymore and should wake up to what we eat and above all “Choosing to eat responsibly”.
Honestly how many of us realize that animals that become our delicious meals everyday are actually (in most cases around the world) are brutally tortured, kept in unhygienic and shabby shelters, go though pain, just so that they become more delectable, sought after and a premium meat to sell.
A life is a precious gift and a life time wasted just to become a fancy steak or burger is something not worthy to eat. I am not pressing anyone to become vegetarians here. I have a belief that if one day the world decides to become vegetarian then many will starve for there will be not much to eat for all and more over the delicate food chain will go hay wire. But instead all I am asking you to be aware and choose to eat responsibly.
A classic example of cruelty is the “Foie Gras”. It’s a French name for which translated means “Fatty Liver”. This fatty liver or Foie Gras of Goose has a very creamy buttery taste. Native to France now it is produced around the world because of its growing demand. It is an expensive sought after luxury food that does the rounds of gourmet meals. In order to obtain a nice fatty liver the goose is fed with corn and fat. Well not just fed but using machines the bird is forcefully fed. The bird like any of us eats according to its hunger, but in order to increase the size of the liver and give it a rich buttery taste the bird is force bed several times a day using tube that are lowered into its throat. The metal pipe often bruises the inner lining of the delicate ausophageous and causes pain and internal injury. Very often the bird pukes because its stomach is full but that does not stops the farmer to over feed him. In some cases the stomach even ruptures and causes death. Once they are fed so much they have to excrete that out as well. Over excreting frequently causes rashes, cracks and sores and sometimes ruptures the back, leading to bleeding and death due to pain and excessive bleeding. This also becomes the breeding ground for the goose. All this still does not stop the farmer. Further the bird is not allowed to roam very much as it burns body fat and increase in weight causes their delicate legs to weaken and pain. Once again all this is done so that due to excessive feeding on corn the size of liver turns almost seven times the normal size of the bird. This fattening of the liver is very painful and ultimately the bird dies. And as a result what we get is a top quality perfect creamy, buttery goose fatty liver on our plates in a fancy restaurant. Does that really leave a pleasant taste in your mouth, is it worth it???? And yes no one pays a higher price for Foie Gras than the goose itself!!!
Most of you must be thinking that this is not readily available in India. Well you are in for a shock to know that almost all big hotels and reputed restaurants in big cities have a “Foie Gras” on to their menus.Another example is of “Wagyu”. Wagyu is a breed of cattle in Japan that is known for its juicy and extremely tender beef. It will be correct to say that “Wagyu” is one of the most premium beef. It is expensive and the meat has lots of fat in it which is considered a great quality. This breed of cattle is fed with good quality of fodder. They are made to listen to soft relaxing music while their bodies are massaged. Well what really goes wrong here is that these bulls are notallowed to roam and graze freely. In fact they are restricted their entire lives to a cramped place. Running around freely on a farm burns fat and this causes the meat to become tough, so they are tied to one place most of the times. This causes pain and cramps in the legs and body and hence they are massaged. Because they don’t move much their bodies can’t digest the food so they are fed on beer that aids digestion in them. This animal is slaughtered when it’s young and end up as a very expensive piece of meat which is fatty, juicy and tender. Think again is it worth it????“Avatar” the Hollywood Blockbuster from the Steven Spielberg’s stable had a lot to be pondered upon. For starters it
showed the world who we really are-cruel, irrational, greedy and irresponsible. The other side was the creatures who respected all life forms. The bestest and most profound part was the time “Naytiri” (female character from Pandora) teaches “Jake Sully” (the actor in the avatar form) how all beings are connected to each other. Energy flows from one to the other and any misbalance would mean a catastrophe. Even when she hunts an animal for her food, she gently holds the animal in her hands and gives it a clean quick death. And as she does it she repeats her words—“Forgive me …Oh my brother…Thank you, may your spirit run with the great mother. Forgive me my brother, your body stays here but your soul joins eywa, thank you for your sacrifice.”This to a lot of people might just be a movie but for me it is an insight into myself, how ignorant I have been about someone else’s life. How unthankful I have been to the meals that I have savored which have nourished me. How arrogant I have been to all those who have laid themselves down to feed me. I can’t fight nature and change it but I can change myself and “Choose to eat Responsibly.