Avocado – Identify, Handle and Cut the Super Fruit

Avocado is easy to love. But for me it wasn’t an instant love affair, my passion for this fruit has grown and matured over the years but it still continues to surprise me.
I remember that a decade back, Avocados were a rarity and unfortunately we didn’t even know how to use them. It warms my heart to see it being available in abundance now, whenever I venture out to a supermarket or even with a local subzi waala.
Avocados do not have a very strong singular taste. They are pretty bland with a light nutty taste and a creamy texture. This characteristic actually is a blessing in disguise as you can use the fruit to make almost anything, create a snack, salad, chunky guacamole, sandwich spread, sushi, a sweet dish or smoothies. It is creamy enough to balance out acidity or spiciness but mild enough not to overpower other ingredients.
Honestly, for the longest time in my career, I never tried using an avocado. Partly because of its erratic supply and partly because I underestimated the culinary strength of the fruit. However, as I started researching ingredients and cooking more meaningful and wholesome food, this one came out to be the strongest superfood. Even though I have now created some signature avocado recipes, I still enjoy it right out of the peel with some lime juice and a sprinkle of sea salt.
Avocado is a delicate fruit and requires careful handling right from the time you pick, and choose until you cook them. And this meme that someone forwarded once, always makes me laugh out loud, though it’s quite accurate as well.
Check under the stem. Pop the brown stem off; if it’s green, the avocado is perfect. If it’s brown or dark, the avocado will be too ripe.
The best way to check for an avocado’s ripeness is by touch. Carefully hold the avocado in your hand and just give it a little squeeze. If it’s firm and the skin doesn’t indent at all, then it’s not ready to eat. When you squeeze it and feels like you’re molding clay, then it’s ready! But never ever press it hard, it will destroy the delicate fruit.
Not every time you would be lucky to get an avocado that is perfectly ripe and ready to Wrap the avocado in newspaper and seal it tight. If you add an apple or a banana the avocados will ripen more quickly. Maybe you can have your kids try this cool experiment. Wrap one avocado in newspaper and another in newspaper with a banana and watch what
But why avocados? Is it a fad or overhyped? Not one bit. Beyond being delicious and versatile, there is so much more to this wonder food. Here are some of the benefits that I
Good Fat – Avocados are full of healthy mono-unsaturated fat. This is the kind of fat that is GOOD for your heart. It’s a great alternative to unhealthy spreads on toast.
Identification & Handling an Avocado
The best way to identify a Hass avocado is by its outer color. Another way is to press the nib of the fruit from where it is attached to the tree. If the nib depresses without much resistance then it is ripe. Never ever press an avocado to find out the ripeness. It just destroys the delicate fruit. Here are the steps to identification to avanza hass avocados that are widely available. Purple Brown – Means the fruit is soft and ripe, ready to be eaten. At this stage, it should be stored in the refrigerator and to be consumed within 2-3 days. You can easily mash the avocado to make dips, smoothies, spreads, desserts, and salads with the same. Brown Green – This means the fruit is firm and ripe it is ready to be eaten. At this stage you can easily slice or dice the fruit. Add it to a salad, kebab or even add it to a curry just before finishing. Olive Green – It is a stage where the fruit is still not ripe and requires to be wrapped in paper and kept at room temp in a fruit basket. Use as the skin darkens. Usually 3-4 days. Bright Green – Completely raw to be stored at room temp in a fruit basket. Use as the skin darkens. Quick health Benefits of AvocadosBeautiful Skin – Hi concentration of Vitamins and antioxidants in the avocado works towards healthy skin. The presence of oleic acid in avocados maintains moisture in the epidermal layer of our skin, hence nourishing and hydrating the skin. Hi Fiber – Avocados are known for hi fiber content that gives the daily requirement of fiber by the body and keeps the digestive system in shape. Hi Immunity – Vitamin C present in avocados help keep immunity in the body by fighting the free radicals. Heart Healthy – Avocados are rich in good fats and omega acids that maintain healthy cholesterol for healthy heart functioning.Eyes — Avocado contains lutein, which is important for the maintenance of eye health.
How to cut an Avocado
Step1 – Hold the fruit lengthwise and using a sharp knife, run the knife lengthwise through the fruit circling around the seed.
Step2 – Using both hands gently twist the fruit and separate it into 2 halves.
Step3 – To remove the seed firmly hack the sharp knife blade into the seed, twist, loosen the seed and remove it and discard the seed.
Step4 – Cut the two halves further into two lengthwise. Now carefully peel off the skin and discard it. Choose to either slice or dice it.
Step5 – Alternatively if you wish to mash the avocado scoop the pulp with a spoon after step 3.
Tip: When using an avocado once cut apply some lemon juice if not used it immediately as it starts oxidizing.
Recipe to try with Avocado
Avocado Coconut Chutney