Crispy Fried Potato Balls, Chilli Sauce
Prep time – 20 mins
Cooking time – 25 mins
Serves – 4
Potato, medium (आलू) – ½ kg (4 nos)
Butter (मखन) – 2½ tbsp
Italian seasoning (इटालियन मसाला) – 1 tbsp
All Purpose Flour (मैदा) – 4 tbsp
Salt (नमक) – to taste
Pepper powder (काली मिर्च पाउडर) – ¾ tsp
Spring onion, chopped (हरा प्याज़) – ½ cup
Cornstarch (कोर्न्स्टार्च) – 4 tbsp
Oil (तेल) – for frying
Chilli Sauce
Mustard Oil (सरसों तेल) – ¼ cup
Dry Kashmiri Chilli, large (सूखी कश्मीरी मिर्च) – 15-17 nos
Heeng (हींग) – ½ tsp
Coriander seeds (ताज़ा धनिया) – 1 tbsp
Cumin seeds (जीरा) – 2 tsp
Garlic cloves, large (लहसुन) – 12 nos
Water (पानी) – a dash
Lemon, large (नींबू) – 1 nos
Hung curd (गाढ़ी दही) – ½ cup
Salt (नमक) – to taste
In a separate pan, melt some butter and add Italian seasonings along with refined flour. Cook this mixture for about 30 seconds, then add & cook the mashed potatoes until the mixture is completely dry. Spread it out on a deep plate and season with salt, black pepper powder, chili flakes, chopped spring onions, and cornstarch. Knead the mixture well and then form it into small, evenly sized balls. Deep fry the balls until they are golden brown. |
For the chili dip, heat some mustard oil in a pan and add dried Kashmiri red chilies. Once you remove the chilies, temper the same oil with asafoetida, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, garlic cloves, and roughly chopped ginger. After tempering, grind all these ingredients together with lemon juice and a dash of water, then transfer the mixture to a bowl. In the same bowl, whisk in hung curd and salt, and your chili dip is ready to serve. |